Friday, October 23, 2009

Inmate at the County Fair

Just stop
the world
from spinning
I promise I'll get back on,
Just give me a minute.

I've been on this ride for too long,
I've been on this ride for too long.

I'm feeling dizzy
and vomited tomorrow's lunch
while trying to make it look good for the papers

this fair lost it's appeal
When I realized
That the patrons don't have faces
unless they're staring
into the fun house mirrors

Smile at the swine in the beauty pageant
and visit the pigs while you're at it

the games are all rigged
the games are all rigged
waste your time and leave empty handed
the games are all rigged

1 comment:

Christine said...

I really like this.


I miss you, brother. Please email and let me know how you are.