Tuesday, January 27, 2009

So I watch from the dark, I'm stronger now from the spark. And I glow, maybe I'm already home.

"You're a leader, leaders lead, be careful where you lead your followers"- Bryn Gillette, to me, a few years ago.

Why am I a leader?

Why do people follow me?

What does it mean to be a servant?

What does it mean to lead?

How am I supposed to lead people,
If I'm so lost myself?

Maybe I'm not lost. I don't know....

Regardless, when I stay up way too late sometimes,
I'll wish i had opiates,
get pissed at general unfairness,
wonder what the fuck I'm doing with myself,
become depressed,
wonder at life and it's unfathomable awesomeness,
Take heart in G-d,
listen to good music,
Then Blog.




I love G-d.

Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord,
Loves You,

and so do i...

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