I love how we as Christians make exceptions all the time. Yeah i mean the Bible says its a sin but I mean, I'm young right? I'l settle down when I'm older. I mean, I guess I should read my Bible, a little more than bi-monthly, but honestly, I'm a busy guy. I can't fit it into my busy schedule, I'll study the Bible by proxy, Back off. I mean I "know" Jesus should invade every part of my life, we sing these songs about giving it all up, or surrendering it all or whatever, but Jesus is probably happy with Sundays (only if I'm at church) and Youth Group. I mean, really, I can;t be expeceted to live like that all the time. I have to yell at people in traffic, and hold grudges against people, I cant just let that go. I know the Bible says that a wise man accepts criticism and learns from it, but I mean, I'm RIGHT! People who tell me I'm wrong couldn't possibly be right. I mean, even if they maybe have something constructive to say, they're probably just trying to make fun of me, and I'm pretty sure if I just make fun of them enough, and talk loud enough, they'll shut up, and aknowledge that they're wrong.
Seriously. Christianity is all nice and good, on sundays and when you happen to be at church. But honestly, if you dont want to live that way all the time or at least try, (I mean lets be honesnt, for a sec, we're all human and we're gonna fail) but if you not willing to at least try, be honest with yourself, and stop calling yourself a Christian. Live it or don't. Stop giving us a bad name. I dont care if you;re on stage, working at a Christian book store, or leading the worship team, or just living your life, We're all called to higher standard as Christians, thats just the way it is.
This is so for me and all of you.
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