Thursday, February 25, 2010


I wanted to paint you a picture
one whose colors could express the pain my life has held
and the joy it now contains
but I could find no brushes to put to my canvas
and I was never really good at painting

I wanted to write you a song
one whose melody could carry my soul along with it
as your ears drank in the sound
but my hands could not form the notes and chords
and no music came from my guitar

I then wanted to write you a beautiful poem
one whose words could be woven in such a way
that the very depths of my heart could be revealed
but I wrote this instead
will you forgive me?

oh , beloved
oh, beloved
none of my creativity could ever truly express
the love I have for you
or how beautiful you are.

so will you forgive me as I offer you this?
Lyrics to a song that will never be sung
whose melody will never be found
for this is all I can give
to show how much,
how very much,
I love you.

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