Tuesday, August 5, 2008

for the sounded alarms and the sirens of ships wrecked

this is new
this is old
this is me breaking me free
from scathing eyes
and public thought
this is opinion
honest and raw
this is one man's search for G-d
this is one man's search for himself
for answers
for questions
for the peace within himself
for Christ in the every day
past bullshit
and phony
public personas
put on
in an effort
to fit in
past cliché'd

this is journal
this is free thought
this could be everything
or nothing
if you are reading this,
don't look to closely
but don't look away
you might miss it.

if you found this, don't blab, dont spill, i want this to be received by the people who would care enough to find it. I still dont know what this will be. stay with me, this should be fun.

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