Sunday, January 31, 2010

Maybe theres a light at the end of the tunnel after all, and it might not be an oncoming train

I met a girl at a party tonight, we clicked really well, when she got home at 1:30 am she added me on facebook. This is the happiest I've been all week, i'm not saying my happiness hangs on some girl, but still. Its a nice end to a crappy week.

Still in mourning over Tyler. Rest In Peace dude.

I hope i don't end up offending anyone with my Lawless Bastards project, its going to follow bitter 20 year old who just watched his family get killed by railroad tycoons and joins outlaws in the old west, sample line:
"We blew into town, and I wasted my virginity on some cantankerous whore"

it gonna be fun.

1 comment:

Christine said...

the great thing about fiction, especially of the literary kind as opposed to outright lies, is that it doesn't matter if you offend anybody.

I write mostly for myself, and if people don't like it, they don't have to read it.

I for one am kind of excited to see your writing in a novella style. The poetry is good, so I'm piqued. :)

and I'm glad you had a good end to a bad week.